Saturday, October 15, 2011

Contemplating place with Ed Burnam

Nature is so wonderfully phallic. 
Photos by my friend Ed Burnam, while he contemplates place in the Singapore Botanical Garden.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Tony Orrico is a human spirograph

"he explores the capacity of the human body as a physical tool for creating art"

More info at:

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The big C, Benlysta and feeling the tingle

We all have battles, and should you have an interest, I'll share mine with you. But really, all I want to do is feel my spine tingle.

Although we read with our minds, the seat of artistic delight is between the shoulder blades. That little shiver behind is quite certainly the highest form of emotion that humanity has attained when evolving pure art and pure science. Let us worship the spine and its tingle.

- Vladimir Nabokov

I don't know where this photo came from, but I think it is a miner in China.